1. Great time at Chili Cook-off
2. Hunter killed his first deer yesterday
Prayer Requests
1. Emily's coach
2. Nicole's Headaches (having house inspected)
3. Duffer's uncle Don Watterson-Cancer came back-going to have to have surgery
4. James mom-stroke and diaylsis-having a hard time
5. James sister, Renee
6. Hubert Martin's Niece-Debbie Flood, cancer
7. Kevin Hite's grandmother-falling
8. Christy special unspoken
9. Church vision
10. Pastor
11. Alderson's traveling this weekend
12. Susan's surgery on 12/11/07
13. Daniel and Tina unspoken
Please remember to lift each other up in prayer this week. . Hope everyone has a wonderful week. God bless. . .