Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A Couple of Special Prayer Requests

Jennifer sent this prayer request to me...it was sent to her by one of her good friends....

"My cousins 2 year little boy was diagnosed yesterday with a brain tumor. His name is Keegan Callaway. His Mom is Brittany Callaway. Brittany and Keegan are flying to Memphis TN today. He will have a biopsy on Friday and possibly surgery on Friday. They said the tumor is a very large, fast growing and that it covers most of his cerebellum. The cerebellum controls yours balance and sight. They believe that by the size and because of the fast growth that it is malignant cancer. He will likely have to have chemo treatments. They also said that he will likely have lasting effects in his eyes and his stance from the tumor. He began having trouble on Monday with balance and couldn't walk on Tuesday. Those were the first signs of any trouble. Please pray for complete healing for this little fellow and strength for his young Mommy. His Mommy also has a 4 week old little boy who was born 5 weeks early and spent 2 weeks in the NICU unit in JMH. Keegan spent the first week of 2008 in JMH with pneumonia"

This one is from Tanja Moody...
"Danny Duncan's 91-year-old grandmother, Ruby Frye, fell last night and broke her hip. She’s at Holston and will likely undergo surgery. This is going to be a tough day for the whole family, especially Taylor and Tyler"

Also remember Daniel and Tina this morning as Bryson is having surgery..He is having his tonsils and adenoids removed....

Please remember all of these families in your prayers this week...God Bless...